Letter M
Packages beginning with letter "M".
- MySQL-zrm - MySQL backup manager
- mahout-collection-codegen-plugin - Maven Mojo to generate code for Mahout Collections
- mahout-collection-codegen-plugin-javadoc - API documentation for mahout-collection-codegen-plugin
- mailman3-fedmsg-plugin - Emit fedmsg messages from mailman3
- makedepf90 - Create Makefile dependency list for Fortran source files
- man2html - Convert man pages to HTML - CGI scripts
- man2html-core - Convert man pages to HTML
- marble - Virtual globe and world atlas
- marble-devel - Development files for marble
- marble-libs - Runtime files for marble
- marco - MATE Desktop window manager
- marco-devel - Development files for mate-window-manager
- mash - Koji buildsystem to yum repository converter
- mate-applet-lockkeys - MATE Keyboard LED indicator
- mate-applets - MATE Desktop panel applets
- mate-backgrounds - MATE Desktop backgrounds
- mate-calc - MATE Desktop calculator
- mate-common - mate common build files
- mate-control-center - MATE Desktop control-center
- mate-control-center-devel - Development files for mate-settings-daemon
- mate-control-center-filesystem - MATE Control Center directories
- mate-desktop - Shared code for mate-panel, mate-session, mate-file-manager, etc
- mate-desktop-devel - Libraries and headers for libmate-desktop
- mate-desktop-libs - Shared libraries for libmate-desktop
- mate-dialogs - Displays dialog boxes from shell scripts
- mate-dictionary - A dictionary for MATE Desktop
- mate-disk-usage-analyzer - A disk usage analyzing tool for MATE Desktop
- mate-icon-theme - Icon theme for MATE Desktop
- mate-icon-theme-faenza - Extra set of icon themes for MATE Desktop
- mate-media - MATE media programs
- mate-menus - Displays menus for MATE Desktop
- mate-menus-devel - Development files for mate-menus
- mate-menus-libs - Shared libraries for mate-menus
- mate-menus-preferences-category-menu - Categories for the preferences menu
- mate-notification-daemon - Notification daemon for MATE Desktop
- mate-panel - MATE Desktop panel and applets
- mate-panel-devel - Development files for mate-panel
- mate-panel-libs - Shared libraries for mate-panel
- mate-polkit - Integrates polkit authentication for MATE desktop
- mate-polkit-devel - Integrates polkit with the MATE Desktop environment
- mate-power-manager - MATE power management service
- mate-screensaver - MATE Screensaver
- mate-screensaver-devel - Development files for mate-screensaver
- mate-screenshot - A utility to take a screen-shot of the desktop
- mate-search-tool - A file searching tool for MATE Desktop
- mate-session-manager - MATE Desktop session manager
- mate-settings-daemon - MATE Desktop settings daemon
- mate-settings-daemon-devel - Development files for mate-settings-daemon
- mate-system-log - A log file viewer for the MATE desktop
- mate-system-monitor - Process and resource monitor
- mate-terminal - Terminal emulator for MATE
- mate-themes - MATE Desktop themes
- mate-utils - MATE utility programs
- mate-utils-common - Common files for mate-utils
- mate-utils-devel - Development files for mate-utils
- mbrowse - GUI SNMP MIB browser
- mchange-commons - A collection of general purpose utilities for c3p0
- mchange-commons-javadoc - API documentation for mchange-commons
- mcollective - A framework to build server orchestration or parallel job execution systems
- mcollective-client - Client tools for the mcollective application server
- mcollective-common - Common libraries for the mcollective clients and servers
- mediainfo - Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file (CLI)
- mediainfo-gui - Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file (GUI)
- meld - Visual diff and merge tool
- mikmod - Music module player
- milter-greylist - Milter for greylisting, the next step in the spam control war
- milter-regex - Milter plug-in for regular expression filtering
- mimedefang - E-Mail filtering framework using Sendmail's Milter interface
- mine_detector - Mine Detector, a mine-finding game
- mingw-binutils-generic - Utilities which are needed for both the Win32 and Win64 toolchains
- mingw-filesystem-base - Generic files which are needed for both mingw32-filesystem and mingw64-filesystem
- mingw-w64-tools - Supplementary tools which are part of the mingw-w64 toolchain
- mingw32-SDL - MinGW Windows port of SDL cross-platform multimedia library
- mingw32-SDL_image - MinGW Windows port of the Image loading library for SDL
- mingw32-SDL_mixer - MinGW Windows port of Simple DirectMedia Layer's Sample Mixer Library
- mingw32-angleproject - Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine for Win32
- mingw32-angleproject-static - Static version of the mingw32-angleproject library
- mingw32-atk - MinGW Windows Atk library
- mingw32-atk-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Atk library
- mingw32-binutils - Cross-compiled version of binutils for the Win32 environment
- mingw32-boost - MinGW Windows Boost C++ library for the win32 target
- mingw32-boost-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Boost C++ library
- mingw32-bzip2 - 32 Bit version of bzip2 for Windows
- mingw32-bzip2-static - Static library for mingw32-bzip2 development
- mingw32-c-ares - Library that performs asynchronous DNS operations
- mingw32-cairo - MinGW Windows Cairo library
- mingw32-cairo-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Cairo library
- mingw32-cpp - MinGW Windows cross-C Preprocessor for the win32 target
- mingw32-crt - MinGW Windows cross-compiler runtime for the win32 target
- mingw32-curl - MinGW Windows port of curl and libcurl
- mingw32-curl-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Curl library
- mingw32-dbus - MinGW Windows port of D-Bus
- mingw32-dbus-static - Static version of MinGW Windows port of DBus library
- mingw32-enchant - MinGW Windows Enchanting Spell Checking Library
- mingw32-enchant-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows enchant library
- mingw32-expat - MinGW Windows port of expat XML parser library
- mingw32-expat-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows expat XML parser library
- mingw32-filesystem - MinGW cross compiler base filesystem and environment for the win32 target
- mingw32-flac - Encoder/decoder for the Free Lossless Audio Codec
- mingw32-flac-tools - Tools for Free Lossless Audio Codec
- mingw32-fontconfig - MinGW Windows Fontconfig library
- mingw32-fontconfig-static - Static version of the cross compiled Fontconfig library
- mingw32-freetype - Free and portable font rendering engine
- mingw32-freetype-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Freetype library
- mingw32-gcc - MinGW Windows cross-compiler (GCC) for C for the win32 target
- mingw32-gcc-c++ - MinGW Windows cross-compiler for C++ for the win32 target
- mingw32-gcc-gfortran - MinGW Windows cross-compiler for FORTRAN for the win32 target
- mingw32-gcc-objc - MinGW Windows cross-compiler support for Objective C for the win32 target
- mingw32-gcc-objc++ - MinGW Windows cross-compiler support for Objective C++ for the win32 target
- mingw32-gdb - MinGW Windows port of the GDB debugger
- mingw32-gdk-pixbuf - MinGW Windows GDK Pixbuf library
- mingw32-gettext - GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages
- mingw32-gettext-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Gettext library
- mingw32-glib-networking - MinGW Windows glib-networking library
- mingw32-glib2 - MinGW Windows Glib2 library for the win32 target
- mingw32-glib2-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows GLib2 library
- mingw32-gmp - Cross-compiled GNU arbitrary precision library
- mingw32-gnutls - MinGW GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library
- mingw32-gsm - Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
- mingw32-gsm-tools - GSM speech compressor tools
- mingw32-gstreamer1 - MinGW Windows Streaming-Media Framework Runtime
- mingw32-gstreamer1-plugins-base - Cross compiled GStreamer media framework base plug-ins
- mingw32-gtk2 - MinGW Windows Gtk2 library
- mingw32-gtk2-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Gtk2 library
- mingw32-gtk3 - MinGW Windows GTK+ library
- mingw32-harfbuzz - MinGW Windows Harfbuzz library
- mingw32-harfbuzz-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Harfbuzz library
- mingw32-headers - MinGW Windows cross-compiler Win32 header files
- mingw32-hunspell - MinGW Windows spell checker and morphological analyzer library
- mingw32-hunspell-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows hunspell library
- mingw32-icu - MinGW compilation of International Components for Unicode Tools
- mingw32-jasper - MinGW Windows Jasper library
- mingw32-jasper-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Jasper library
- mingw32-libffi - A portable foreign function interface library for MinGW
- mingw32-libffi-static - A portable foreign function interface static library for MinGW
- mingw32-libgcrypt - MinGW Windows gcrypt encryption library
- mingw32-libgcrypt-static - Static library for mingw32-libgcrypt development
- mingw32-libgomp - GCC OpenMP v3.0 shared support library for the win32 target
- mingw32-libgpg-error - MinGW Windows libgpg-error compression library for the win32 target
- mingw32-libgpg-error-static - Static library for mingw32-libgpg-error development
- mingw32-libidn - MinGW Windows zlib compression library for the win32 target
- mingw32-libidn-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows IDN library
- mingw32-libjpeg-turbo - MinGW Windows Libjpeg-turbo library
- mingw32-libjpeg-turbo-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Libjpeg-turbo library
- mingw32-libogg - The Ogg bitstream file format library
- mingw32-libpng - MinGW Windows Libpng library
- mingw32-libpng-static - Static version of MinGW Windows Libpng library
- mingw32-libsoup - MinGW library for HTTP and XML-RPC functionality
- mingw32-libsoup-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Libsoup library
- mingw32-libssh2 - MinGW Windows library implementation of the SSH2 protocol
- mingw32-libssh2-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows SSH2 library
- mingw32-libtasn1 - MinGW Windows libtasn1 library
- mingw32-libtheora - Theora Video Compression Codec
- mingw32-libtiff - MinGW Windows port of the LibTIFF library
- mingw32-libtiff-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows LibTIFF library
- mingw32-libvorbis - MinGW Windows libvorbis library
- mingw32-libwebp - MinGW compilation of Library and tools for the WebP format
- mingw32-libxml2 - MinGW Windows libxml2 XML processing library
- mingw32-libxml2-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows XML processing library
- mingw32-libxslt - MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
- mingw32-libxslt-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows LibXSLT library
- mingw32-log4c - MinGW compiled log4c library for the Win32 target
- mingw32-minizip - Minizip manipulates files from a .zip archive
- mingw32-nettle - MinGW package for nettle cryptographic library
- mingw32-openssl - MinGW port of the OpenSSL toolkit
- mingw32-openssl-static - Static version of the MinGW port of the OpenSSL toolkit
- mingw32-opus - Audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication
- mingw32-p11-kit - MinGW Library for loading and sharing PKCS#11 modules
- mingw32-pango - MinGW Windows Pango library
- mingw32-pango-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Pango library
- mingw32-pcre - MinGW Windows pcre library
- mingw32-pcre-static - Static version of the mingw32-pcre library
- mingw32-pdcurses - Curses library for MinGW32
- mingw32-pixman - MinGW Windows Pixman library
- mingw32-pixman-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Pixman library
- mingw32-pkg-config - A tool for determining compilation options for the win32 target
- mingw32-postgresql - MinGW Windows PostgreSQL library
- mingw32-qt - Qt for Windows
- mingw32-qt-qmake - Qt for Windows Build Environment
- mingw32-qt-static - Static version of the mingw32-qt library
- mingw32-qt-tools - Various tools belonging to the mingw32-qt library
- mingw32-qt5-qmake - Qt5 for Windows build environment
- mingw32-qt5-qmldevtools - Qt5 for Windows build environment
- mingw32-qt5-qmldevtools-devel - Qt5 for Windows build environment
- mingw32-qt5-qt3d - Qt5 for Windows - Qt3d component
- mingw32-qt5-qtbase - Qt5 for Windows - QtBase component
- mingw32-qt5-qtbase-devel - Qt5 for Windows build environment
- mingw32-qt5-qtbase-static - Static version of the mingw32-qt5-qtbase library
- mingw32-qt5-qtdeclarative - Qt5 for Windows - QtDeclarative component
- mingw32-qt5-qtgraphicaleffects - Qt5 for Windows - QtGraphicalEffects component
- mingw32-qt5-qtimageformats - Qt5 for Windows - QtImageFormats component
- mingw32-qt5-qtlocation - Qt5 for Windows - QtLocation component
- mingw32-qt5-qtmultimedia - Qt5 for Windows - QtMultimedia component
- mingw32-qt5-qtquick1 - Qt5 for Windows - QtQuick1 component
- mingw32-qt5-qtscript - Qt5 for Windows - QtScript component
- mingw32-qt5-qtsensors - Qt5 for Windows - QtSensors component
- mingw32-qt5-qtsvg - Qt5 for Windows - QtSvg component
- mingw32-qt5-qtsystems - Qt5 for Windows - QtSystems component
- mingw32-qt5-qttools - Qt5 for Windows - QtTools component
- mingw32-qt5-qttools-tools - Qt5 for Windows - QtTools component
- mingw32-qt5-qttranslations - Qt5 for Windows - QtTranslations component
- mingw32-qt5-qtwebkit - Qt5 for Windows - QtWebkit component
- mingw32-readline - MinGW port of readline for editing typed command lines
- mingw32-readline-static - Static version of the cross compiled readline library
- mingw32-speex - Voice compression format (codec)
- mingw32-speex-tools - The tools package for mingw32-speex
- mingw32-sqlite - MinGW Windows port of sqlite embeddable SQL database engine
- mingw32-sqlite-static - Static version of MinGW Windows port of sqlite library
- mingw32-tcl - MinGW Windows Tool Command Language, pronounced tickle
- mingw32-termcap - MinGW terminal feature database
- mingw32-termcap-static - Static version of the cross compiled termcap library
- mingw32-theora-tools - Command line tools for Theora videos
- mingw32-wavpack - Completely open audiocodec
- mingw32-wavpack-tools - Completely open audiocodec tools
- mingw32-webkitgtk - MinGW Windows web content engine library
- mingw32-webkitgtk-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows WebKitGTK+ library
- mingw32-webkitgtk3 - MinGW Windows web content engine library
- mingw32-win-iconv - MinGW Windows Iconv library
- mingw32-win-iconv-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Iconv library
- mingw32-winpthreads - MinGW pthread library for the win32 target
- mingw32-winpthreads-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows pthreads library
- mingw32-winstorecompat - MinGW library to help porting to Windows Store for the win32 target
- mingw32-xz - Cross-compiled LZMA compression utilities
- mingw32-xz-libs - Libraries for decoding LZMA compression
- mingw32-xz-libs-static - Static version of the xz library
- mingw32-zlib - MinGW Windows zlib compression library for the win32 target
- mingw32-zlib-static - Static libraries for mingw32-zlib development.
- mingw64-SDL - MinGW Windows port of SDL cross-platform multimedia library
- mingw64-SDL_image - MinGW Windows port of the Image loading library for SDL
- mingw64-SDL_mixer - MinGW Windows port of Simple DirectMedia Layer's Sample Mixer Library
- mingw64-angleproject - Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine for Win64
- mingw64-angleproject-static - Static version of the mingw32-angleproject library
- mingw64-atk - MinGW Windows Atk library
- mingw64-atk-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Atk library
- mingw64-binutils - Cross-compiled version of binutils for the Win64 environment
- mingw64-boost - MinGW Windows Boost C++ library for the win64 target
- mingw64-boost-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Boost C++ library
- mingw64-bzip2 - 64 Bit version of bzip2 for Windows
- mingw64-bzip2-static - Static library for mingw64-bzip2 development
- mingw64-c-ares - Library that performs asynchronous DNS operations
- mingw64-cairo - MinGW Windows Cairo library
- mingw64-cairo-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Cairo library
- mingw64-cpp - MinGW Windows cross-C Preprocessor for the win64 target.
- mingw64-crt - MinGW Windows cross-compiler runtime for the win64 target
- mingw64-curl - MinGW Windows port of curl and libcurl
- mingw64-curl-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Curl library
- mingw64-dbus - MinGW Windows port of D-Bus
- mingw64-dbus-static - Static version of MinGW Windows port of DBus library
- mingw64-enchant - MinGW Windows Enchanting Spell Checking Library
- mingw64-enchant-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows enchant library
- mingw64-expat - MinGW Windows port of expat XML parser library
- mingw64-expat-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows expat XML parser library
- mingw64-filesystem - MinGW cross compiler base filesystem and environment for the win64 target
- mingw64-flac - Tools for Free Lossless Audio Codec
- mingw64-flac-tools - Tools for Free Lossless Audio Codec
- mingw64-fontconfig - MinGW Windows Fontconfig library
- mingw64-fontconfig-static - Static version of the cross compiled Fontconfig library
- mingw64-freetype - Free and portable font rendering engine
- mingw64-freetype-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Freetype library
- mingw64-gcc - MinGW Windows cross-compiler (GCC) for C for the win64 target
- mingw64-gcc-c++ - MinGW Windows cross-compiler for C++ for the win64 target
- mingw64-gcc-gfortran - MinGW Windows cross-compiler for FORTRAN for the win64 target
- mingw64-gcc-objc - MinGW Windows cross-compiler support for Objective C for the win64 target
- mingw64-gcc-objc++ - MinGW Windows cross-compiler support for Objective C++ for the win64 target
- mingw64-gdb - MinGW Windows port of the GDB debugger
- mingw64-gdk-pixbuf - MinGW Windows GDK Pixbuf library
- mingw64-gettext - GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages
- mingw64-gettext-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Gettext library
- mingw64-glib-networking - MinGW Windows glib-networking library
- mingw64-glib2 - MinGW Windows Glib2 library for the win64 target
- mingw64-glib2-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows GLib2 library
- mingw64-gmp - Cross-compiled GNU arbitrary precision library
- mingw64-gnutls - MinGW GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library
- mingw64-gsm - GSM speech compressor tools
- mingw64-gsm-tools - Tools for Free Lossless Audio Codec
- mingw64-gstreamer1 - MinGW Windows Streaming-Media Framework Runtime
- mingw64-gstreamer1-plugins-base - Cross compiled GStreamer media framework base plug-ins
- mingw64-gtk2 - MinGW Windows Gtk2 library
- mingw64-gtk2-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Gtk2 library
- mingw64-gtk3 - MinGW Windows GTK+ library
- mingw64-harfbuzz - MinGW Windows Harfbuzz library
- mingw64-harfbuzz-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Harfbuzz library
- mingw64-headers - MinGW Windows cross-compiler Win64 header files
- mingw64-hunspell - MinGW Windows spell checker and morphological analyzer library
- mingw64-hunspell-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows hunspell library
- mingw64-icu - MinGW compilation of International Components for Unicode Tools
- mingw64-jasper - MinGW Windows Jasper library
- mingw64-jasper-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Jasper library
- mingw64-libffi - A portable foreign function interface library for MinGW
- mingw64-libffi-static - A portable foreign function interface static library for MinGW
- mingw64-libgcrypt - MinGW Windows gcrypt encryption library
- mingw64-libgcrypt-static - Static library for mingw64-libgcrypt development
- mingw64-libgomp - GCC OpenMP v3.0 shared support library for the win64 target
- mingw64-libgpg-error - MinGW Windows libgpg-error compression library for the win64 target
- mingw64-libgpg-error-static - Static library for mingw64-libgpg-error development
- mingw64-libidn - MinGW Windows zlib compression library for the win64 target
- mingw64-libidn-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows IDN library
- mingw64-libjpeg-turbo - MinGW Windows Libjpeg-turbo library
- mingw64-libjpeg-turbo-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Libjpeg-turbo library
- mingw64-libogg - The Ogg bitstream file format library
- mingw64-libpng - MinGW Windows Libpng library
- mingw64-libpng-static - Static version of MinGW Windows Libpng library
- mingw64-libsoup - MinGW library for HTTP and XML-RPC functionality
- mingw64-libsoup-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Libsoup library
- mingw64-libssh2 - MinGW Windows library implementation of the SSH2 protocol
- mingw64-libssh2-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows SSH2 library
- mingw64-libtasn1 - MinGW Windows libtasn1 library
- mingw64-libtheora - Command line tools for Theora videos
- mingw64-libtiff - MinGW Windows port of the LibTIFF library
- mingw64-libtiff-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows LibTIFF library
- mingw64-libvorbis - MinGW Windows libvorbis library
- mingw64-libwebp - MinGW compilation of Library and tools for the WebP format
- mingw64-libxml2 - MinGW Windows libxml2 XML processing library
- mingw64-libxml2-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows XML processing library
- mingw64-libxslt - MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
- mingw64-libxslt-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows LibXSLT library
- mingw64-log4c - MinGW compiled log4c library for the Win64 target
- mingw64-minizip - Minizip manipulates files from a .zip archive
- mingw64-nettle - MinGW package for nettle cryptographic library
- mingw64-openssl - MinGW port of the OpenSSL toolkit
- mingw64-openssl-static - Static version of the MinGW port of the OpenSSL toolkit
- mingw64-opus - Audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication
- mingw64-p11-kit - MinGW Library for loading and sharing PKCS#11 modules
- mingw64-pango - MinGW Windows Pango library
- mingw64-pango-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Pango library
- mingw64-pcre - MinGW Windows pcre library
- mingw64-pcre-static - Static version of the mingw64-pcre library
- mingw64-pdcurses - Curses library for MinGW64
- mingw64-pixman - MinGW Windows Pixman library
- mingw64-pixman-static - Static version of the cross compiled Pixman library
- mingw64-pkg-config - A tool for determining compilation options for the win64 target
- mingw64-postgresql - MinGW Windows PostgreSQL library
- mingw64-qt - Qt for Windows
- mingw64-qt-qmake - Qt for Windows Build Environment
- mingw64-qt-static - Static version of the mingw64-qt library
- mingw64-qt-tools - Various tools belonging to the mingw64-qt library
- mingw64-qt5-qmake - Qt for Windows build environment
- mingw64-qt5-qmldevtools - Qt5 for Windows build environment
- mingw64-qt5-qmldevtools-devel - Qt5 for Windows build environment
- mingw64-qt5-qt3d - Qt5 for Windows - Qt3d component
- mingw64-qt5-qtbase - Qt5 for Windows - QtBase component
- mingw64-qt5-qtbase-devel - Qt5 for Windows build environment
- mingw64-qt5-qtbase-static - Static version of the mingw64-qt5-qtbase library
- mingw64-qt5-qtdeclarative - Qt for Windows - QtDeclarative component
- mingw64-qt5-qtgraphicaleffects - Qt5 for Windows - QtGraphicalEffects component
- mingw64-qt5-qtimageformats - Qt5 for Windows - QtImageFormats component
- mingw64-qt5-qtlocation - Qt5 for Windows - QtLocation component
- mingw64-qt5-qtmultimedia - Qt5 for Windows - QtMultimedia component
- mingw64-qt5-qtquick1 - Qt5 for Windows - QtQuick1 component
- mingw64-qt5-qtscript - Qt5 for Windows - QtScript component
- mingw64-qt5-qtsensors - Qt5 for Windows - QtSensors component
- mingw64-qt5-qtsvg - Qt5 for Windows - QtSvg component
- mingw64-qt5-qtsystems - Qt5 for Windows - QtSystems component
- mingw64-qt5-qttools - Qt5 for Windows - QtTools component
- mingw64-qt5-qttools-tools - Qt5 for Windows - QtTools component
- mingw64-qt5-qttranslations - Qt5 for Windows - QtTranslations component
- mingw64-qt5-qtwebkit - Qt5 for Windows - QtWebkit component
- mingw64-readline - MinGW port of readline for editing typed command lines
- mingw64-readline-static - Static version of the cross compiled readline library
- mingw64-speex - Voice compression format (codec)
- mingw64-speex-tools - The tools package for mingw64-speex
- mingw64-sqlite - MinGW Windows port of sqlite embeddable SQL database engine
- mingw64-sqlite-static - Static version of MinGW Windows port of sqlite library
- mingw64-tcl - MinGW Windows Tool Command Language, pronounced tickle
- mingw64-termcap - MinGW terminal feature database
- mingw64-termcap-static - Static version of the cross compiled termcap library
- mingw64-theora-tools - Command line tools for Theora videos
- mingw64-wavpack - Completely open audiocodec tools
- mingw64-wavpack-tools - Completely open audiocodec tools tools
- mingw64-webkitgtk - MinGW Windows web content engine library
- mingw64-webkitgtk-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows WebKitGTK+ library
- mingw64-webkitgtk3 - MinGW Windows web content engine library
- mingw64-win-iconv - MinGW Windows Iconv library
- mingw64-win-iconv-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows Iconv library
- mingw64-winpthreads - MinGW pthread library for the win64 target
- mingw64-winpthreads-static - Static version of the MinGW Windows pthreads library
- mingw64-winstorecompat - MinGW library to help porting to Windows Store for the win64 target
- mingw64-xz - Cross-compiled LZMA compression utilities
- mingw64-xz-libs - Libraries for decoding LZMA compression
- mingw64-xz-libs-static - Static version of the xz library
- mingw64-zlib - MinGW Windows zlib compression library for the win64 target
- mingw64-zlib-static - Static libraries for mingw64-zlib development
- minised - A smaller, cheaper, faster SED implementation
- mirrorbrain - A download redirector and metalink generator
- mirrorbrain-doc - MirrorBrain redirector Apache module
- mirrorbrain-scanner - MirrorBrain scanner
- mirrorbrain-tools - MirrorBrain commandline tools
- mktorrent - Command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files
- mlmmj - A simple and slim mailing list manager inspired by ezmlm
- mock - Builds packages inside chroots
- mock-scm - Mock SCM integration module
- mockito - A Java mocking framework
- mockito-javadoc - Javadocs for mockito
- mod_auth_ntlm_winbind - NTLM authentication for the Apache web server using winbind daemon
- mod_auth_openid - OpenID authentication for apache
- mod_autoindex_mb - Apache module generating directory indexes for MirrorBrain
- mod_evasive - Denial of Service evasion module for Apache
- mod_flvx - FLV progressive download streaming for the Apache HTTP Server
- mod_form - Apache module that decodes data submitted from Web forms
- mod_form-devel - Apache module that decodes data submitted from Web forms
- mod_geoip - GeoIP module for the Apache HTTP Server
- mod_limitipconn - Simultaneous connection limiting module for Apache
- mod_log_post - Module for the Apache web server to log all HTTP POST messages
- mod_mirrorbrain - MirrorBrain redirector Apache module
- mod_perl - An embedded Perl interpreter for the Apache HTTP Server
- mod_perl-devel - Files needed for building XS modules that use mod_perl
- mod_speedycgi - SpeedyCGI module for the Apache HTTP Server
- mom - Dynamically manage system resources on virtualization hosts
- monit - Manages and monitors processes, files, directories and devices
- monitor-edid - Tool for probing and parsing monitor EDID
- mono-core - The Mono CIL runtime, suitable for running .NET code
- mono-data - Database connectivity for Mono
- mono-data-oracle - Oracle database connectivity for Mono
- mono-data-postgresql - Postgresql database connectivity for Mono
- mono-data-sqlite - sqlite database connectivity for Mono
- mono-devel - Development tools for Mono
- mono-extras - Provides the infrastructure for running and building daemons and services with Mono as well as various stub assemblies
- mono-locale-extras - Extra locale information for Mono
- mono-mvc - Mono implementation of ASP.NET MVC
- mono-mvc-devel - Development files for ASP.NET MVC
- mono-nunit - NUnit Testing Framework
- mono-nunit-devel - pkgconfig for nunit
- mono-wcf - Mono implementation of Windows Communication Foundation
- mono-web - ASP.NET, Remoting, and Web Services for Mono
- mono-web-devel - Development files for system.web
- mono-winforms - Windows Forms implementation for Mono
- mono-winfx - Mono implementation of core WinFX APIs
- monodoc - The mono documentation system
- monodoc-devel - .pc file for monodoc
- moreutils - Additional unix utilities
- moreutils-parallel - Additional unix utility - parallel command
- mosh - Mobile shell that supports roaming and intelligent local echo
- mosquitto - An Open Source MQTT v3.1 Broker
- mosquitto-devel - Development files for mosquitto
- mosquitto-python - Python bindings for mosquitto
- mozilla-adblockplus - Adblocking extension for Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey
- mozilla-https-everywhere - HTTPS/HSTS enforcement extension for Mozilla Firefox and SeaMonkey
- mozo - MATE Desktop menu editor
- mpi4py-common - Common files for mpi4py packages
- mpi4py-docs - Documentation for mpi4py
- mpi4py-mpich - Python bindings of MPI, MPICH version
- mpi4py-openmpi - Python bindings of MPI, Open MPI version
- msgpack - Binary-based efficient object serialization library
- msgpack-devel - Libraries and header files for msgpack
- msktutil - Program for interoperability with Active Directory
- msmtp - SMTP client
- muParser - A fast math parser library
- muParser-devel - Development and doc files for muParser
- muffin - Window and compositing manager based on Clutter
- muffin-devel - Development package for muffin
- munge - Enables uid & gid authentication across a host cluster
- munge-devel - Development files for uid * gid authentication acrosss a host cluster
- munge-libs - Runtime libs for uid * gid authentication acrosss a host cluster
- munin - Network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer)
- munin-async - Network-wide graphing framework (asynchronous client tools)
- munin-cgi - Network-wide graphing framework (cgi files for apache)
- munin-common - Network-wide graphing framework (common files)
- munin-java-plugins - java-plugins for munin
- munin-netip-plugins - Network-wide graphing framework (dhcpd3 and ntp plugins)
- munin-nginx - Network-wide graphing framework (cgi files for nginx)
- munin-node - Network-wide graphing framework (node)
- munin-ruby-plugins - ruby-plugins for munin
- mup - A music notation program that can also generate MIDI files
- mylvmbackup - Utility for creating MySQL backups via LVM snapshots
- myproxy - Manage X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials
- myproxy-admin - Server for X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials
- myproxy-devel - Develop X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials
- myproxy-doc - Documentation for X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials
- myproxy-libs - Manage X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials
- myproxy-server - Server for X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials
- mysql++ - C++ wrapper for the MySQL C API
- mysql++-devel - MySQL++ developer files (headers, examples, etc.)
- mysql++-manuals - MySQL++ user and reference manuals
- mysql-connector-python - MySQL Connector for Python 2
- mysql-utilities - MySQL Utilities
- mysqlreport - A friendly report of important MySQL status values