Letter H
Packages beginning with letter "H".
- HepMC - C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators
- HepMC-devel - C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators - development files
- HepMC-doc - C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators - documentation
- h5py - A Python interface to the HDF5 library
- hamlib - Run-time library to control radio transceivers and receivers
- hamlib-c++ - Hamlib radio control library C++ binding
- hamlib-c++-devel - Hamlib radio control library C++ binding development headers and libraries
- hamlib-devel - Development library to control radio transceivers and receivers
- hamlib-doc - Documentation for the hamlib radio control library
- hamlib-perl - Hamlib radio control library Perl binding
- hamlib-python - Hamlib radio control library Python binding
- hamlib-tcl - Hamlib radio control library TCL binding
- happy - Parser Generator for Haskell
- hardening-check - Tool to check ELF for being built hardened
- haskell-platform - Standard Haskell distribution
- haveged - A Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm
- haveged-devel - Headers and shared development libraries for HAVEGE algorithm
- hawaii-widget-styles - Styles for applications using QtQuick Controls
- hawkey - Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv
- hawkey-devel - A Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv
- hawtbuf - A rich byte buffer library
- hawtbuf-javadoc - Javadoc for hawtbuf
- hawtbuf-proto - A protobuf library
- hawtbuf-protoc - A protobuf compiler as a maven plugin
- hdf - A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
- hdf-devel - HDF development files
- hdf5 - A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
- hdf5-devel - HDF5 development files
- hdf5-mpich - HDF5 mpich libraries
- hdf5-mpich-devel - HDF5 mpich development files
- hdf5-mpich-static - HDF5 mpich static libraries
- hdf5-openmpi - HDF5 openmpi libraries
- hdf5-openmpi-devel - HDF5 openmpi development files
- hdf5-openmpi-static - HDF5 openmpi static libraries
- hdf5-static - HDF5 static libraries
- heimdal-appl-clients - Heimdal kerberized client applications
- heimdal-appl-servers - Heimdal kerberized server applications
- heimdal-devel - Header and other development files for Heimdal kerberos
- heimdal-libs - Heimdal kerberos shared libraries
- heimdal-path - Heimdal kerberos PATH manipulation
- heimdal-server - Heimdal kerberos server
- heimdal-workstation - Heimdal kerberos programs for use on workstations
- herbstluftwm - A manual tiling window manager
- herbstluftwm-zsh - herbstluftwm zsh completion support
- hercules - Hercules S/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture emulator
- hg-git - Mercurial Plugin for Communicating with Git Servers
- hiera - A simple hierarchical database supporting plugin data sources
- hiredis - Minimalistic C client library for Redis
- hiredis-devel - Development files for hiredis
- hlint - Haskell source code suggestions
- hostapd - IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator
- hostapd-logwatch - Logwatch scripts for hostapd
- hscolour - Colorize Haskell code
- html401-dtds - HTML 4.01 document type definitions
- htmldoc - Converter from HTML into indexed HTML, PostScript, or PDF
- htop - Interactive process viewer
- http-parser - HTTP request/response parser for C
- http-parser-devel - Development headers and libraries for http-parser
- httpd-itk - MPM Itk for Apache HTTP Server
- httpie - A Curl-like tool for humans
- httpress - HTTP stress & benchmark utility
- httpry - A specialized packet sniffer designed for displaying and logging HTTP traffic
- httrack - Website copier and offline browser
- httrack-devel - Development files for httrack
- httraqt - HTTrack Qt GUI
- hydra - Very fast network log-on cracker
- hydra-frontend - The GTK+ front end for hydra