Letter H

heimdal-appl-servers - Heimdal kerberized server applications

Website: http://www.h5l.org/
License: BSD and MIT
Vendor: Fedora Project
This package contains Heimdal Kerberos-aware versions of the pop3, telnet,
ftp, rcp, rsh, and rlogin servers.  While these have been replaced by
tools such as OpenSSH in most environments, they remain in use in others.


heimdal-appl-servers-1.6.0-0.9.20140621gita5adc06.el7.ppc64 [121 KiB] Changelog by Ken Dreyer (2014-07-07):
- Remove OpenSSL BR and go back to using hcrypto with bundled libtommath.
  OpenSSL is not thread safe without callbacks (RHBZ #1118462)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7