Letter N
Packages beginning with letter "N".
- NLopt - Open-Source library for nonlinear optimization
- NLopt-devel - Development files for NLopt
- NLopt-doc - Documentation files for NLopt
- NaturalDocs - Documentation generator for multiple programming languages
- NetworkManager-openvpn - NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenVPN
- NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome - NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenVPN - GNOME files
- nagios - Nagios monitors hosts and services and yells if somethings breaks
- nagios-common - Provides common directories, uid and gid among nagios-related packages
- nagios-devel - Provides include files that Nagios-related applications may compile against
- nagios-plugins - Host/service/network monitoring program plugins for Nagios
- nagios-plugins-all - Nagios Plugins - All plugins
- nagios-plugins-apt - Nagios Plugin - check_apt
- nagios-plugins-bonding - Nagios plugin to monitor Linux bonding interfaces
- nagios-plugins-breeze - Nagios Plugin - check_breeze
- nagios-plugins-by_ssh - Nagios Plugin - check_by_ssh
- nagios-plugins-check-updates - A Nagios plugin to check if Red Hat or Fedora system is up-to-date
- nagios-plugins-cluster - Nagios Plugin - check_cluster
- nagios-plugins-dbi - Nagios Plugin - check_dbi
- nagios-plugins-dhcp - Nagios Plugin - check_dhcp
- nagios-plugins-dig - Nagios Plugin - check_dig
- nagios-plugins-disk - Nagios Plugin - check_disk
- nagios-plugins-disk_smb - Nagios Plugin - check_disk_smb
- nagios-plugins-dns - Nagios Plugin - check_dns
- nagios-plugins-dummy - Nagios Plugin - check_dummy
- nagios-plugins-file_age - Nagios Plugin - check_file_age
- nagios-plugins-flexlm - Nagios Plugin - check_flexlm
- nagios-plugins-fping - Nagios Plugin - check_fping
- nagios-plugins-game - Nagios Plugin - check_game
- nagios-plugins-hpjd - Nagios Plugin - check_hpjd
- nagios-plugins-http - Nagios Plugin - check_http
- nagios-plugins-icmp - Nagios Plugin - check_icmp
- nagios-plugins-ide_smart - Nagios Plugin - check_ide_smart
- nagios-plugins-ifoperstatus - Nagios Plugin - check_ifoperstatus
- nagios-plugins-ifstatus - Nagios Plugin - check_ifstatus
- nagios-plugins-ircd - Nagios Plugin - check_ircd
- nagios-plugins-ldap - Nagios Plugin - check_ldap
- nagios-plugins-load - Nagios Plugin - check_load
- nagios-plugins-log - Nagios Plugin - check_log
- nagios-plugins-mailq - Nagios Plugin - check_mailq
- nagios-plugins-mrtg - Nagios Plugin - check_mrtg
- nagios-plugins-mrtgtraf - Nagios Plugin - check_mrtgtraf
- nagios-plugins-mysql - Nagios Plugin - check_mysql
- nagios-plugins-nagios - Nagios Plugin - check_nagios
- nagios-plugins-nrpe - Provides nrpe plugin for Nagios
- nagios-plugins-nt - Nagios Plugin - check_nt
- nagios-plugins-ntp - Nagios Plugin - check_ntp
- nagios-plugins-ntp-perl - Nagios Plugin - check_ntp.pl
- nagios-plugins-nwstat - Nagios Plugin - check_nwstat
- nagios-plugins-openmanage - Nagios plugin to monitor hardware health on Dell servers
- nagios-plugins-oracle - Nagios Plugin - check_oracle
- nagios-plugins-overcr - Nagios Plugin - check_overcr
- nagios-plugins-perl - Nagios plugins perl dep.
- nagios-plugins-pgsql - Nagios Plugin - check_pgsql
- nagios-plugins-ping - Nagios Plugin - check_ping
- nagios-plugins-procs - Nagios Plugin - check_procs
- nagios-plugins-radius - Nagios Plugin - check_radius
- nagios-plugins-real - Nagios Plugin - check_real
- nagios-plugins-rpc - Nagios Plugin - check_rpc
- nagios-plugins-smtp - Nagios Plugin - check_smtp
- nagios-plugins-snmp - Nagios Plugin - check_snmp
- nagios-plugins-ssh - Nagios Plugin - check_ssh
- nagios-plugins-swap - Nagios Plugin - check_swap
- nagios-plugins-tcp - Nagios Plugin - check_tcp
- nagios-plugins-time - Nagios Plugin - check_time
- nagios-plugins-ups - Nagios Plugin - check_ups
- nagios-plugins-uptime - Nagios Plugin - check_uptime
- nagios-plugins-users - Nagios Plugin - check_users
- nagios-plugins-wave - Nagios Plugin - check_wave
- nbd - Network Block Device user-space tools (TCP version)
- ncdu - Text-based disk usage viewer
- ncftp - Improved console FTP client
- nco - Suite of programs for manipulating NetCDF/HDF4 files
- nco-devel - Development files for NCO
- nco-static - Static libraries for NCO
- ncview - A visual browser for netCDF format files
- ndjbdns - New djbdns: usable djbdns
- ndoutils - Stores all configuration and event data from Nagios in a database
- neXtaw - Modified version of the Athena Widgets with N*XTSTEP appearance
- neXtaw-devel - Development files for the neXtaw library
- nemo - File manager for Cinnamon
- nemo-devel - Support for developing nemo extensions
- nemo-extensions - Nemo extensions library
- netbsd-iscsi - User-space implementation of iSCSI target from NetBSD project
- netcdf - Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Form
- netcdf-cxx - Legacy netCDF C++ library
- netcdf-cxx-devel - Development files legacy netCDF C++ library
- netcdf-cxx-static - Static libraries for legacy netCDF C++ library
- netcdf-devel - Development files for netcdf
- netcdf-fortran - Fortran libraries for NetCDF-4
- netcdf-fortran-devel - Development files for Fortran NetCDF API
- netcdf-fortran-mpich - NetCDF Fortran mpich libraries
- netcdf-fortran-mpich-devel - NetCDF Fortran mpich development files
- netcdf-fortran-mpich-static - NetCDF Fortran mpich static libraries
- netcdf-fortran-openmpi - NetCDF Fortran openmpi libraries
- netcdf-fortran-openmpi-devel - NetCDF Fortran openmpi development files
- netcdf-fortran-openmpi-static - NetCDF Fortran openmpi static libraries
- netcdf-fortran-static - Static library for Fortran NetCDF API
- netcdf-mpich - NetCDF mpich libraries
- netcdf-mpich-devel - NetCDF mpich development files
- netcdf-mpich-static - NetCDF mpich static libraries
- netcdf-openmpi - NetCDF openmpi libraries
- netcdf-openmpi-devel - NetCDF openmpi development files
- netcdf-openmpi-static - NetCDF openmpi static libraries
- netcdf-static - Static libs for netcdf
- netcdf4-python - Python/numpy interface to netCDF
- nfdump - NetFlow collecting and processing tools
- nginx - A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
- ngrep - Network layer grep tool
- nightview - A general astronomical software package to control of a CCD camera
- nightview-cli - Non-GUI tools from NightView suite
- nightview-doc - Documentation for NightView suite
- nightview-gui - GUI tools from NightView suite
- nightview-server - Server-side tools from NightView suite
- nodejs-amdefine - Provide AMD's define() API for declaring modules in the AMD format
- nodejs-bignumber-js - Library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic
- nodejs-deep-equal - Node's assert.deepEqual algorithm
- nodejs-defined - Return the first argument that is '!== undefined'
- nodejs-hashish - Hash data structure manipulation functions
- nodejs-optimist - Light-weight option parsing for Node.js
- nodejs-options - Light-weight in-code option parser for nodejs
- nodejs-require-all - Require all files within a directory
- nodejs-tinycolor - A to-the-point color module for node
- nodejs-underscore-dot-string - String manipulation extensions for the Underscore.js JavaScript library
- nodejs-yamlish - Parser/encoder for the yamlish format
- nomarch - GPLed Arc de-archiver
- nopaste - Access pastebins from the command line
- nordugrid-arc-doc - Advanced Resource Connector Documentation
- nosync - Preload library for disabling file's content synchronization
- novnc - VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas) with encryption support
- nrpe - Host/service/network monitoring agent for Nagios
- nss-mdns - glibc plugin for .local name resolution
- nss_wrapper - A wrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API
- ntfs-3g - Linux NTFS userspace driver
- ntfs-3g-devel - Development files and libraries for ntfs-3g
- ntfsprogs - NTFS filesystem libraries and utilities
- nut - Network UPS Tools
- nut-cgi - CGI utilities for the Network UPS Tools
- nut-client - Network UPS Tools client monitoring utilities
- nut-devel - Development files for NUT Client
- nut-xml - XML UPS driver for the Network UPS Tools
- nx-libs - NX X11 protocol compression libraries
- nx-libs-devel - Include files and libraries for NX development
- nx-proto-devel - Include files for NX development
- nxagent - NX agent
- nxauth - NX xauth
- nxproxy - NX proxy