Letter M

mingw64-sqlite-static - Static version of MinGW Windows port of sqlite library

Website: http://www.sqlite.org/
License: Public Domain
Vendor: Fedora Project
SQLite is a C library that implements an SQL database engine. A large
subset of SQL92 is supported. A complete database is stored in a
single disk file. The API is designed for convenience and ease of use.
Applications that link against SQLite can enjoy the power and
flexibility of an SQL database without the administrative hassles of
supporting a separate database server.  Version 2 and version 3 binaries
are named to permit each to be installed on a single host

This package contains static cross-compiled library


mingw64-sqlite-static- [360 KiB] Changelog by Erik van Pienbroek (2014-05-29):
- Update to

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7