Letter M

mingw32-winstorecompat - MinGW library to help porting to Windows Store for the win32 target

Website: http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/
License: MIT
Vendor: Fedora Project
This library can be linked to code targetting Windows Store.
Functions that are not available anymore for Windows Store are redefined,
using similar functions that are allowed.
'Forbidden' functions can be found either by browsing MSDN, either by
running WACK (Windows Application Certification Kit) on the application.


mingw32-winstorecompat-3.1.999-0.1.trunk.git502c72.20140524.el7.noarch [9 KiB] Changelog by Erik van Pienbroek (2014-05-28):
- Update to 20140524 snapshot (git rev 502c72)
- Upstream has switched from SVN to Git

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