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wxmacmolplt - A graphics program for plotting 3-D molecular structures and normal modes
- Description:
MacMolPlt is:
* A modern graphics program for plotting 3-D molecular structures and
normal modes (vibrations). Modern means:
o Mouse driven interface for real-time rotation and translation.
o copy and paste functionality for interfacing to other programs such
as word processors or other graphics programs (like ChemDraw).
o simple printing to color or black and white printers (publication
o multiple files open at once.
* It reads a variety of file formats including any GAMESS input, log or
IRC file directly to create animations of IRC's, DRC's, and
optimizations. You may also import a $VEC group from any file (such as
a GAMESS .DAT file). In addition xMol XYZ files, MolDen format files
and Chemical Markup Language (CML) files are supported. Also some PDB
file support and MDL MolFile support is included.
[1.5 MiB] |
by Dominik Mierzejewski (2014-05-25):
- fix docdir location
- re-run autoreconf before build to fix aarch64 support (rhbz #926733)