Letter W

wxGTK3-gl - OpenGL add-on for the wxWidgets library

Website: http://www.wxwidgets.org/
License: wxWidgets
Vendor: Fedora Project
OpenGL (a 3D graphics API) add-on for the wxWidgets library.
wxWidgets is the GTK port of the C++ cross-platform wxWidgets
GUI library, offering classes for all common GUI controls as well as a
comprehensive set of helper classes for most common application tasks,
ranging from networking to HTML display and image manipulation.


wxGTK3-gl-3.0.0-7.el7.ppc64 [31 KiB] Changelog by Jeremy Newton (2014-04-03):
- Removed wxGTK-devel compatiblity in favour for a wx-config symlink
	see bug RH#1077718

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7