Letter T

tito - A tool for managing rpm based git projects

Website: http://rm-rf.ca/tito
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Fedora Project
Tito is a tool for managing tarballs, rpms, and builds for projects using


tito-0.5.0-1.el7.noarch [134 KiB] Changelog by Devan Goodwin (2014-03-24):
- Prep for python3. (jumanjiman@gmail.com)
- Print output live for longer running rpmbuild commands. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Add GitAnnexBuilder, using git-annex to store blobs (dcleal@redhat.com)
- Remove legacy CvsBuilder and CvsReleaser. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Stop writing temp file to load tito.props from past tag.
- Remove deprecated support for build.py.props config filename.
- Remove a very old hack for assuming config from Makefiles.
- Refactor config overriding. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Move taggers to sub-directory. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Move releasers to sub-directory. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Improved docs for [version_template] section of tito.props
- allow empty dist tag in functional tests (jumanjiman@gmail.com)
- docs: createrepo is needed for functional tests (jumanjiman@gmail.com)
- provide config for editorconfig plugins (jumanjiman@gmail.com)
- Add more missing documentation to MANIFEST.in. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Assume a default fetch strategy. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Add markdown docs for FetchBuilder instead of manpage. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Fix releasers and respect offline flag. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Support release with fetch builder. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Add support for passing builder args through a releaser.
- MANIFEST.in: include README.mkd and asciidoc files (code@alan.grosskurth.ca)
- Rename --builder-arg to just --arg in build command. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Fix issue with releaser temp dir. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Refactor to just one config object. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Make external source builder fetch strategy configurable.
- Fix buildroot using ~/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Refactor builders to allow separate modules. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Restore building of specific tags. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Start building with external sources and no tag. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)
- Allow possibility of building without a pre-existing tag.
- Print koji/brew task ID and URL during release. (dgoodwin@redhat.com)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7