Letter S

strongswan - An OpenSource IPsec-based VPN and TNC solution

Website: http://www.strongswan.org/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
The strongSwan IPsec implementation supports both the IKEv1 and IKEv2 key
exchange protocols in conjunction with the native NETKEY IPsec stack of the
Linux kernel.


strongswan-5.2.0-1.el7.ppc64 [1.0 MiB] Changelog by Avesh Agarwal (2014-07-15):
- New upstream release 5.2.0
- The Attestation IMC/IMV pair supports the IMA-NG
  measurement format
- Aikgen tool to generate an Attestation Identity Key bound
  to a TPM
- Swanctl tool to provide a portable, complete IKE
  configuration and control interface for the command
  line using vici interface with libvici library
- PT-EAP transport protocol (RFC 7171) for TNC
- Enabled support for acert for checking X509 attribute certificate
- Updated patches, removed selinux patch as upstream has fixed it
  in this release.
- Updated spec file with minor cleanups

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7