Letter S

squidGuard - Filter, redirector and access controller plugin for squid

Website: http://www.squidguard.org/
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Fedora Project
squidGuard can be used to
- limit the web access for some users to a list of accepted/well known
  web servers and/or URLs only.
- block access to some listed or blacklisted web servers and/or URLs
  for some users.
- block access to URLs matching a list of regular expressions or words
  for some users.
- enforce the use of domainnames/prohibit the use of IP address in
- redirect blocked URLs to an "intelligent" CGI based info page.
- redirect unregistered user to a registration form.
- redirect popular downloads like Netscape, MSIE etc. to local copies.
- redirect banners to an empty GIF.
- have different access rules based on time of day, day of the week,
  date etc.
- have different rules for different user groups.
- and much more..

Neither squidGuard nor Squid can be used to
- filter/censor/edit text inside documents
- filter/censor/edit embeded scripting languages like JavaScript or
  VBscript inside HTML


squidGuard-1.4-20.el7.1.ppc64 [7.1 MiB] Changelog by Jon Ciesla (2014-07-21):
- Fix for EL-7, BZ 1119950.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7