Letter R

roundcubemail - Round Cube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client

Website: http://www.roundcube.net
License: GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv3+ and GPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and CC-BY-SA and (MIT or GPLv2)
Vendor: Fedora Project
RoundCube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client
with an application-like user interface. It provides full
functionality you expect from an e-mail client, including MIME
support, address book, folder manipulation, message searching
and spell checking. RoundCube Webmail is written in PHP and
requires a database: MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite are known to
work. The user interface is fully skinnable using XHTML and
CSS 2.


roundcubemail-1.0.2-1.el7.noarch [3.3 MiB] Changelog by Adam Williamson (2014-07-21):
- Update to 1.0.2

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7