Letter P

pnglite - A lightweight C library for loading PNG images

Website: http://www.karlings.com/~danne/pnglite/
License: zlib
Vendor: Fedora Project
pnglite is a C library for loading PNG images. It was created as a
substitute for libpng in situations when libpng is more than enough. It
currently requires zlib for inflate and crc checking and it can read the
most common types of PNG images. The library has a small and simple to use


pnglite-0.1.17-1.el7.8.ppc64 [12 KiB] Changelog by Lubomir Rintel (2013-10-24):
- Bulk sad and useless attempt at consistent SPEC file formatting

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7