Letter P

perl-Test-Kwalitee - Test the Kwalitee of a distribution before you release it

Website: http://metacpan.org/module/Test::Kwalitee
License: GPL+ or Artistic
Vendor: Fedora Project
Kwalitee is an automatically-measurable gauge of how good your software
is. That's very different from quality, which a computer really can't
measure in a general sense (if you can, you've solved a hard problem in
computer science).


perl-Test-Kwalitee-1.15-1.el7.noarch [31 KiB] Changelog by Paul Howarth (2013-09-25):
- Update to 1.15
  - Re-release with fixed compile test
- Bump perl(Module::Build::Tiny) version requirement to 0.027
- Update buildreqs for tests
  - Drop perl(CPAN::Meta::Check)
  - Add perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker), perl(File::Spec::Functions) and
  - Bump perl(Test::CheckDeps) version requirement to 0.007

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7