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perl-MouseX-Types-Path-Class - A Path::Class type library for Mouse
- Description:
MouseX::Types::Path::Class creates common Mouse types, coercions and option
specifications useful for dealing with Path::Class objects as Mouse attributes.
Coercions (see Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints) are made from both Str and
ArrayRef to both Path::Class::Dir and Path::Class::File objects. If you have
MouseX::Getopt installed, the Getopt option type ("=s") will be added for both
Path::Class::Dir and Path::Class::File.
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by Paul Howarth (2014-04-18):
- Incorporate feedback from package review (#1088931)
- Bump MouseX::Getopt version requirement to 0.22
- Add versioned runtime dependencies on Mouse and MouseX::Types
- Actually unbundle inc::Module::Install instead of just claiming to
- Include author test build requirements