Letter P

perl-HTTP-DAV - WebDAV client library for Perl5

Website: http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTTP-DAV/
License: GPL+ or Artistic
Vendor: Fedora Project
HTTP::DAV is a Perl API for interacting with and modifying content on
web servers using the WebDAV protocol. Now you can LOCK, DELETE and PUT
files and much more on a DAV-enabled web server.


perl-HTTP-DAV-0.47-1.el7.noarch [105 KiB] Changelog by Paul Howarth (2013-10-04):
- Update to 0.47
  - Fixed CPAN RT#38677: Intercept correctly 405 (Method now allowed) errors
    and report them to the clients
  - Fixed CPAN RT#68936: Fixed errors() method that would bomb out when the
    "_errors" attribute wasn't initialized
  - Fixed CPAN RT#69439: Insecure /tmp files handling in dave client
  - Added -tmpdir option to dave client
  - Reorganized distribution layout to match usual CPAN practice
  - Removed remains of svn-era ($Id and such...)
  - HTTP::DAV should now be working with more WebDAV servers
  - We are more flexible in what content types we consider to be XML
- Drop %defattr, redundant since rpm 4.4
- Make %files list more explicit
- Don't need to remove empty directories from the buildroot
- Don't use macros for commands
- Explicitly set PERLDAV_TEST to 'default' for %check to avoid noisy warnings

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7