Letter P

perl-HTML-Template - Perl module to use HTML Templates

Website: http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-Template/
License: GPL+ or Artistic
Vendor: Fedora Project
This module attempts make using HTML templates simple and natural.  It
extends standard HTML with a few new HTML-esque tags - <TMPL_VAR>,
written with HTML and these new tags is called a template.  It is
usually saved separate from your script - possibly even created by
someone else!  Using this module you fill in the values for the
variables, loops and branches declared in the template.  This allows
you to separate design - the HTML - from the data, which you generate
in the Perl script.


perl-HTML-Template-2.95-1.el7.noarch [75 KiB] Changelog by Tom Callaway (2013-10-23):
- update to 2.95

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