Letter K

kyotocabinet - A straightforward implementation of DBM

Website: http://fallabs.com/kyotocabinet/
License: GPLv3
Vendor: Fedora Project
Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The
database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of
a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable
length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key
and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. And there is
neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized
in hash table or B+ tree.


kyotocabinet-1.2.76-5.el7.ppc64 [1020 KiB] Changelog by Robert Scheck (2013-11-17):
- Corrected wrong dependency of -devel from main to -libs package
- Always enable 8 byte atomics patch e.g. for ppc32 (#1007732 #c5)
- Fixed previously added patch for building under RHEL 5 (#915123)
- Added dependencies to enable lzo and lzma/xz compression support
- Enabled the built-in test suite (with limitations at RHEL 5 ppc)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7