Letter J

jdns - A simple DNS queries library

Website: http://delta.affinix.com/jdns/
License: MIT
Vendor: Fedora Project
JDNS is a simple DNS implementation that can perform normal DNS
queries of any record type (notably SRV), as well as Multicast DNS
queries and advertising. Multicast support is based on Jeremie
Miller's "mdnsd" implementation.

For maximum flexibility, JDNS is written in C with no direct
dependencies, and is licensed under the MIT license. Your application
must supply functionality to JDNS, such as UDP sending/receiving, via


jdns-2.0.0-6.el7.ppc64 [49 KiB] Changelog by Ivan Romanov (2014-04-14):
- Removed duplicated description for each package

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7