Letter G

gitflow - Extensions providing operations for V. Driessen's branching model

Website: https://github.com/nvie/gitflow
License: BSD and MIT
Vendor: Fedora Project
A collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations
for Vincent Driessen's [branching model](http://nvie.com/git-model "original
blog post").

For the best introduction to get started with `git flow`, please read Jeff
Kreeftmeijer's blog post:


Or have a look at one of these screen casts:

* [A short introduction to git-flow]
  (http://vimeo.com/16018419) (by Mark Derricutt)
* [On the path with git-flow]
  (http://codesherpas.com/screencasts/on_the_path_gitflow.mov) (by Dave Bock)


gitflow- [22 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Bean (2014-02-13):
- Include bash completion.

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