Letter B

botan-python - Python bindings for botan

Website: http://botan.randombit.net/
License: BSD
Vendor: Fedora Project
Python bindings for botan

This package contains the Python binding for botan.

Note: The Python binding should be considered alpha software, and the
interfaces may change in the future.


botan-python-1.10.8-5.el7.ppc64 [108 KiB] Changelog by Thomas Moschny (2014-06-04):
- Update to 1.10.8, based on the current rawhide spec file, also
  containing these changes:
  - Added ppc64le arch support (Brent Baude <baude@us.ibm.com>)
  - Added AArch64 arch support (Marcin Juszkiewicz
    <mjuszkiewicz@redhat.com>, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@gmail.com>)
  - Re-enable IDEA (rhbz#1003052) and SRP-6 Modernize spec file New
  - -doc subpackage containing HTML documentation Package Python
  - binding

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7