Letter G

GtkAda3-devel - Development files for GTKada 3

Website: http://libre.adacore.com/tools/gtkada/
License: GPLv3+ with exceptions
Vendor: Fedora Project
GTKada is an Ada binding to the graphical toolkit GTK+. It allows you to
develop graphical user interfaces in Ada using GTK+.

The GtkAda3-devel package contains source code and linking information for
developing applications that use GTKada 3.x.

The documentation is in GtkAda3-doc.


GtkAda3-devel-3.8.2-1.el7.ppc64 [3.2 MiB] Changelog by Björn Persson (2014-06-06):
- Upgraded to 3.8.2.
- Enabled the OpenGL bindings.
- Excluded the GPS plug-in.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7