Letter N
Packages beginning with letter "N".
- nagios-lcgdm - Configuration files for a (DPM/LFC) site monitored using LCGDM nagios probes
- nagios-plugins-dpm-disk - Nagios probes to be run in the DPM disk nodes
- nagios-plugins-dpm-head - Nagios probes to be run in the DPM head node
- nagios-plugins-lcgdm - Nagios probes to be run remotely against DPM / LFC nodes
- nagios-plugins-lcgdm-common - Common libraries and files to all LCGDM nagios packages
- nagios-plugins-lfc - Nagios probes to be run in the LFC node
- nemo-compare - Context menu comparison extension for nemo
- nemo-emblems - Emblem support for nemo
- nemo-fileroller - File Roller extension for Nemo
- nemo-image-converter - Nemo extension to mass resize images
- nemo-preview - A quick previewer for Nemo
- nemo-python - Python bindings for Nemo
- nemo-python-devel - Python bindings for Nemo
- nemo-terminal - Embedded terminal window for Nemo
- netmonitor - The free linux network bandwidth monitor
- nfs-ganesha - NFS Server running in user space
- nfs-ganesha-mount-9P - a 9p mount helper
- nfs-ganesha-nullfs - The NFS-GANESHA's NULLFS Stackable FSAL
- nfs-ganesha-proxy - The NFS-GANESHA's PROXY FSAL
- nfs-ganesha-utils - The NFS-GANESHA's util scripts
- nfs-ganesha-vfs - The NFS-GANESHA's VFS FSAL
- nfs-ganesha-xfs - The NFS-GANESHA's XFS FSAL
- nodm - A display manager automatically starting an X session
- nudoku - Ncurses based Sudoku game
- nvme-cli - NVMe management command line interface