Letter G

gimpfx-foundry - Additional GIMP plugins

Website: http://gimpfx-foundry.sourceforge.net/
License: GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and Public Domain
Vendor: Fedora Project
These scripts allow GIMP graphics to be endowed with special effects, such as
blurring or distorting them in certain ways. This package has 117+ new
scripts for GIMP that are not part of the graphic software's standard

Among them are the Roy Lichtenstein effect script to render graphics in the
pop artist's style, the Planet Render script to create a planet of your
choosing and desired size and dimension. and the Old Photo script to give
existing photos that antiquated touch.


gimpfx-foundry-2.6.1-5.el7.noarch [141 KiB] Changelog by Luya Tshimbalanga (2016-04-17):
- Renamed spec file for consistency
- Cleaned up for adherance to Fedora Packaging Guideline

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7